Inverness Rowing Club GuestBook

(Viking Rowing Club Johannesburg) - 2nd April 2006

Well done on a Brilliant strokecycle insert.
Can the frames enlarge to "full screen"?
You look good on the erg, how about a full stroke.

(Inverness Coach) - 21st February 2006

Neil, big improvement to coaching pics--well done.

- 13th December 2005

Hi all,
very much enjoyed the weekend, it wasn't too bad. ;-)
Justus Janssen
Website -

(Loch Lomond ARC) - 4th December 2005

hey all!
really enjoyed ure last regatta ure water is lovely to row on really good and i LOVED the warm hut they should have it at all regattas that are cold !!!
love ure web site alot of effort has bn put into it ! thanks alot for regatta again really enjoyed it !!

28th November 2005

Love your spangly web site.
Hope everyone is good and winning lots.
Im down in Loughborough now doing a masters, back rowing after 2 years out cos of my back but loving it as much as ever. Im home for christmas so hopefully ill come down, see everyone and have a wee paddle if that would be ok?
Hope you are all good and that i see you soon.
Love from Ruth Hobson

Webmasters note - nice e address Ruth!
We look forward to seeing you soon.

Alan Inglis (Massachusetts) - 27th September 2005

Hey Neil,
It was great rowing with you. What great water you all have to row on! And the boat and rigging fit perfectly once I lengthened out my stroke. Had a pleasant cruise from Fort William to Inverness on the Fingal -- lot's of walking and biking. Quite pretty and unspoiled, all in all. In this country such a stretch would have been trashed by commercial iinterests. Inverness strikes me as a rather liveable small city.
Good luck in your Fall races. I'll race every weekend through end of October, including Head of Charles. Sure I'll be back. Again, thanks for your hospitality.
Best regards, ALAN

Webmaster's note - it was great sculling with you too Alan, and I was please to see how well you did at the Head of the Charles.
I knew you were quick.... but well done!

(Ohtagawa Boat Club Japan) - 24th June 2005

Dear All,
Now I'm back home in Hiroshima-city Japan. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to row 8+ with you. That made my stay in Inverness very full and pleasant.
I really appreciate your kindness. Thank you!

(SRM - France) - 2nd June 2005

Your water is superb from what I hear. I would love to spend a week at the end of June. Can anyone recommend a nice homely B&B walking distance from the club. Only requirement a decent shower and clean bedlinen and access to some wholesome grub on site or nearby. Edinburgh has no rowing and I only manage if I go to France on hols. May I indulge as a guest if I come up? I live for rowing.

Webmaster's note - Edinburgh has no rowing? Check out SABC.

(Shanklin and Sandown RC, Ventor, I o W) - May 20, 2005

I have only been to Scotland once (when my brother Charles Sabine married a Scot's lass (Stephanie )a couple of years ago at Kincraig). I was only there for a weekend but it meant that I couldn't row with the Shankin crew in the SOuth Coast finals the same weekend. My replacement was very good but as my four came second by a canvas and all our other crews won their events, I thought that had it not been for the wedding, we might have won all three events that day. and I might have achieved what would have been my only win in a final. Anyway, I don't hold it against him, his wife (as she has a fantastic voice which you can hear on BBC tv almost every day) or Scotland as a whole. I even eat porridge every morning In fact I thought I must come back and teach you about the delights of coastal rowing (Ventnor used to have 3 rowing clubs in its Edwardian heyday) or some of you must come to the Isle of Wight and get a taste of our rugged charm and very good real ales etc
All the very best, John.

(Stirling B.C & University St Andrews) - April 25, 2005

Dear Ian & Susanne,
Just a short note to say we love your Web page and felt delighted with the Scottish Squad Training Programmes run with Gary Bain. Our recent reunion at SUSA with Stephen Lockwood from Laggan Scullers Belfast was a fabulous surprise and good to see The Irish are also recruiting some Oarsome African friends.
See you all at BUSA and back at Inverness in the weeks ahead.
Best Wishes to all at the Club
Regards, EDDY

- April 10, 2005

Hello from Norfolk, Virginia.
I am learning to row and my lovely teacher, Maureen Simpson, gave me the name of this site. I had asked her where I could look on the internet for a site that illustrates good rowing form and erg form. Your strokecyles article is MARVELOUS! Thank you so much for the information. I think I'm going to love this sport (even though I'm starting at 47).
Thanks again. Take care.

Slijkerman (Njord RC, Netherlands) - March 29, 2005

Thank you for sharing your rowing video's !

Ashland RC, Oregon USA - March 3, 2005

Visiting your site to download film clips of Paul Smith and Xeno Muller on the ergs.

Ian Taylor (Richmond RC, Yarra river, Melbourne Australia) - 7th January, 2005

Great work on the stroke cycles videos.
Very useful coaching aid. It highlights how many different body types have to adapt to slightly different styles & still reaching the same goal of rowing fast.

- 13th December, 2004

A group of us from West Wales are interested in completing a long distance row in Scotland in 2005.
We row a traditional Celtic longboat( a coxed four)which is suitable to row in the seas up to a 6..........
Last year, we rowed down the length of the river Shannon in Ireland, and are looking for a long row of between 100 and 200 miles, ie, something that is achievable in 6 or 7 days.
It seems that the route from the Moray Firth to the western Isles would be suitable but I would really like advice on some appropriate starting and finishing points. In fact, any info would be a help in deciding where to row................


(St AUBC) - 23rd November, 2004

Dear All,
Thank you for a splendid Head of the River. St Andrews University had a really successful day out with 32 rowers (a StAUBC record) which now puts us 3rd in the Uni winter league, (after 2 or 3 years of coming last) we are thrilled!
Thanks for a great day and we look forward to seeing you at Glasgow!

(Clyde/SUBC) - 30th September, 2004

New website for Clyde ARC in Glasgow.
Any images of Clyde rowers appreciated, use the contact details in the site.

(ANA Rowing Club Inc. Bayswater, WA) - 15th September, 2004

G'Day from WA. Love the website and in particular the 'Stroke Cycles'.
This has become an essential training aid at our club. Visit us in person if you're in Perth (The warm Aussie one), or on our website if you're not.

- 13th September, 2004

I am interested in joining but can't find anything on the web site that shows where the club house is!
Please point me in the right direction.

(Viking Rowing Club, Ventnor NJ USA) - 9th August, 2004

- 31st August, 2004

I last rowed over twenty years ago with the RAF. The boat was a very heavy four-men yola and I was a too light eleven stone stroke man. Now, with a little more weight and 47 years old I would love to get back into rowing again.
Is age against me?
How do I join?
Many Thanks, Andy Daly.

(RV Wking Bregenz) - 27th August, 2004

Hi Inverness RC!
In the meantime I'm back home in Austria again. I just want to say "thank you very much" once more for offering me such a warm welcome.
You made my four weeks in Inverness even more marvellous.

- 17th August, 2004

Have moved to the area and want to try out a new hobby.
Am reasonably fit, but could do better !!
Would like the chance to give it a go.

Justus Janssen Website - August 12th, 2004.

Hi Neil, Bea and Ken,
we very much enjoyed the row, and surely come and visit again.
Justus, Marjolein and kids

- RV Wiking Bregenz, Austria - 26th June, 2004

Hello Inverness RC!
Will be in Inverness from July 4 through July 30.
Wondering if it would be possible to practise in your club or to borrow/hire a boat during that period.
Thomas Bvhler, Bregenz, Austria

- Deep River Rowing Club in Ontario, Canada - 29th May, 2004

Coming to Scotland for a visit. Will be in Inverness Saturday June 5 through Sunday June 6. Is it possible to visit for and borrow a shell and a couple of sculls? Would gladly pay for the opportunity.
Kevin in Canada

- 11th April, 2004

have just moved to inverness and fancy having a go at rowing.
have never done it before. have a slightly dodgy back - would this be a problem?

- 27th March, 2004

Hello! I am visiting your area in May and am wondering if you have instructional sessions/ rentals for sculling? If not then does your club welcome visitors?
Enjoyed your website very much! Thanks.
Michele in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia,

- 27th March, 2004

just moved back into the area and are interested in taking up rowing.

- 23rd March, 2004

Hi, Just to let everyone know AUBC have now gone online. The address is HERE

- 14th March, 2004

Hello, I'm moving to Inverness at the end of march.
I enjoyed rowing while at University and would love to do it again.

- 14th November, 2003

have moved into the area and are looking to take up rowing as a sport, want some information about join your club.
see you soon

Louisa (just browsing) - 10th November, 2003

Just wondering, when will the draw for this Saturday's head be up?

webmaster's note - It's up now, on the events page.

Bea Wallace - 3rd November, 2003

Lovely Web Site Neil. Could we please ask SARA for an events calender for 2004 asap.

webmaster's note - Thanks for the compliments. The calendar is on the SARA site now.

Mary Clouston (with reference to phone text below) - 28th October, 2003

So then,how about a mixed crew going over there and testing oot the water and the barbi with loads o stubbies?!!!
Ken chef is well practiced!!!!!!!!!!

fone txt.from Angela (now in Adelaide, Australia) - 26th October, 2003

keep n touch,come visit.Good day mate!Ang

Niall Darroch (StrathClyde University BC) - 9th October, 2003

Hello all at Inverness.
I am looking forward to again ploughing up and down the Caledonian Canal in the upcoming fours head - always an excellent race!
You may have noticed a strange figure crouched at the river bank opposite GRC at the recent Glasgow 3 Heads Race. This was me, taking pictures. These are available to view (and purchase your own copy) at
The prices match, and even beat, the likes of Jet Photographic and Big Blade.
See you soon,

Janet Griffiths (Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club) - 17th September, 2003

I would just like to say thanks to Alistair Duff for stroking our mixed eight in Vichy Masters.
Sorry our crew wasn't up to scratch, but after all it was a 'scratch' crew in all the sense of the word. We didn't even have a boat until 20 mins before the race, never mind train for the event!
Well stroked anyway Alistair!
thanks - Janet

Joost and Michel (The Dutch Rowing Club for students 'Vidar') - 11th June, 2003

Hello Inverness,
We're two Dutch students of the University of Tilburg (Netherlands).
We also row in the Dutch competition for students.
Our plan is to visit Scotland by motorbike during the month July. We're very interested in foreign Rowing Clubs and wondered if the Ineverness Rowing Club is worth paying a visit?

Colin Davis (Bournemouth University Rowing Club) - 10th June, 2003

Hi Inverness RC,
Just want to wish all the guys good luck in the Scottish championships!
I hope you all do well!
Colin.(AKA Bea Wallace's Brother)

Charlotte (past Inverness member - now Cantabs Cambridge) - 6th April, 2003

This web site is really happenin' !! Well done web master...
Miss the canal to row on, the Cam is like the M25 on Sunday mornings! Hope you are all keeping well, thinking of you.

Doreen Waterson (Interested in joining) - 6th April, 2003

am very interested in taking up rowing with your club. Have recently moved to Inverness.
Will be popping down soon.

Ian Hunter (Club Coach) - March 25, 2003
(Reply to anonymous comments below)
  • As titled, this is basic nutrition, at club level, not international level, which is a different ball game.
  • Read again, nowhere does it say sports drinks don't help.
  • If sports drinks improve the anonymous writers performance greatly, may I suggest that his diet and hydration practices should be examined.
  • As long as carbohydrate and hydration levels are up to standard, at club level training, some of the sports drinks will help levels of mental alertness and ability to focus on technique.
  • It seems that the sports drinks producers run a very effective advertising campaign. If you believe in it, go for it.

Anonymous - March 25, 2003

Was wondering about section on nutrition.
'Sports drinks don't Help, half banana and water just as good????'
Most literature would argue that isotonic drinks make big difference, and from personal experience have improved my performance greatly.
Furthermore I would be surprised if anyone could name an international endurance athlete in ANY sport who does not use a sports drink for training and competition. I think anyone will find if they trial a drink( I suggest high 5) for a couple of weeks not only will their erg time improve but they will be able to increase frequency, duration and intensity of exercise.

Claire Smith (Thames Tradesmen RC) - February 23, 2003

Nice website you have.
I've often wondered about moving to Inverness - if I do I'll be down to sample that nice flat water straight away!

Ian White (Saint Andrew - Edinburgh) - January 23, 2003

Just browsing.
Great pics. How about a pic of the swing bridge?
Had a great time at Inverness 4,s Head last year & Saint Andrew BC will be at the 8,s Head on Feb 15th 'mob handed'.

Martha Walsh (HSBC Rowing Club) - 12th November 2002

Having learned to row on the Caledonian Canal, I have now graduated to the delights of the Thames - much bigger, and much, much dirtier!
Maybe see you at Henley next year?!

Daniele (Reale Societ Canottieri Cerea - Turin - Italy) - 9th November 2002

Hi there lads!
I am an italian rower, I was just surfing on internet and I saw your website. I desire to sign your guestbook!
what can I tell you more...rowing nothing else!

Niall Darroch - 2 September 2002

I would like to convey my thanks to Brian Bell and the committee of Inverness Rowing Club for the recent Sprint Regatta on behalf of the Stirling/Clydesdale/Royal Holloway Composite Novice 4+. We are all very grateful for your efforts on our behalf, specifically letting us borrow a boat, oars and a cox! Your accomodating attitiude only serves to confrim the tradition of Highland Hospitality that we central belters could do well to emulate.
We would also like you to pass on our hearty congratulations to your Novice Mens crew. The race was certainly exciting, and we look forward to locking blades with them in the near future!

Alan Hoseason (browsing) of Gael Force Ten Highland Coaching Website   - 29 August 2002

Congratulations on a fantastic website - not just a good layout but also with concise and very useful information.
I would like to congratulate the club on their recent successes and wish them well for achieving their plans for development for the future.
You are lucky to have such a good stretch of water and am confident that the club can become a leading edge in Scottish rowing.

Ron Wallace (browsing) - 27 August 2002

A marvellous website, congratulations to the author. Your panoramic photo is superb - are you willing to divulge how it was done? Working on the principle that imitation is the best form of flattery I would love to produce a similar photo for other rowing centres.

Callum MacDonald (browsing) - 23 August 2002

well done, and thanks for the loan of the boat the other week.

Roy R Sinclair (captain) - 14 August 2002

A superlative effort - very well done!!!!!!!!!

Miles Orchard (BBC) (just browsing) - 13 August 2002

I love that Picture!