


Rowing Timer for the Desktop

Latest Version is 3.4.8
Released 17th February 2007
Rowing Timer 3.4.8 (966KB)
Rowing timer requires the .net framework v1.1
You can download this file from our site to save you trawling through the Microsoft site for it.
For information on the framework, a good resource is the Wikipedia page.
.Net framework v 1.1 approx 23MB



Rowing Timer for Pocket PC.

screenshot If you have a windows mobile device (pocket pc 2002 or later) please give this a go.
Download the file to your desktop PC, and the application will install to the device at the next active sync.
Latest version is 1.01 released 1st December 2006. (Minor update - csv import error fixed. Thanks to David Marsh of Wallingford RC for the heads up.)
PocketRowingTimer v1.01 (~660KB)
Pocket Rowing timer requires the .net compact framework v1.0 (SP2 or later for coloured controls) this is pre-installed on some (but not all machines). If you are prompted at any stage for this framework, you can download it from microsoft (it is hidden away and difficult to find) or download from this site.
Compact framework Wikipedia
Compact framework v 1.0(SP3) approx 14 MB

Any problems or queries, contact
